• March 17, 2022

Realistic Childbirth Mod


03.28 Update:


go here to downloaded the latest version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/child-birth-mod-72894859 



03.20 Update:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the dilation and epidural to not work if the player is in the doctor career. A special thanks to two of my brilliant patreon who spotted this! 💗

03.18 Update:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the ask for epidural” interaction to keep canceling itself
  • Fixed an issue that caused LE when asking for epidural or dilation from an obstetrician that is reading a book
  • Fixed an issue that caused the labor buff to keep reappearing if the final birth is interrupted.

Possible Conflict:

LittleMissSam’s Birth certificate mod

Any CC surgery machine

💗I want to thank everyone for their patience, I did not expect this mod to gain this much attention and Im trying my best to provide mod support to all of you. If you have issue with the mod the best way to reach me is through discord https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX ,if you do not have a discord you are welcome to send me a DM on patreon and be sure to describe what exactly isnt working so that I can provide you with more helpful feedback as soon as possible.

03.18 Update:

  • Made another attempt to fix the hand glitch, it was tested and confirmed by one of my patreon and it should be fixed now, but please let me know if its still broken, there’s one last resort I have that is guaranteed to fix it 
  • added a fail safe to prevent the baby from coming out with a completely wrong skin tone. 
  • fixed an issue that caused the c section gown to go through the roof
  • companion sims can no longer get their dilation checked or receive epidural 
  • fixed an issue that caused the “ask to accompany childbirth” option to not show up

for those of you who cant find the yoga ball:


make sure you click on text search for : yoga ball, NOT yoga ball in Misc

Know Conflict: using CC surgery machine will cause your sim to not be able to reach the surgery machine and result in route fail. so be sure to use the surgery machine from get to work only

Scientist work at home mod by YourFalseHope

Polish Translation by livi-sims can be downloaded here 

French translations and instructions by KimikoSoma can be downloaded here 

French translation by CanDYS can be downloaded here  

Chinese translations by GreenOnionC

Dutch Translations by Jill Toetje

German translations by Tabu La Rasa can be downloaded here

Italian translations by ISY

Spanish Translations by Simlish⁴

additional Spanish translations by CindySim

Brazilian Portuguese by NathanSims can be downloaded here

03.17 Update:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the sims hands to go into their chest when holding their baby during natural birth, if you still have this issue after this update please contact me! 

  • You no longer need to call the obstetrician to make birth arrangements every time you are pregnant, your birth preference will be saved unless you change it

  • You no longer need to ask another sim to accompany childbirth every time you are pregnant, they will stay as your companion until you ask them to not accompany during child birth

  • Added fail safe to avoid sim keep wearing the half gown after giving birth

Hi GUys! Hope you all are well, thank you all very much for patiently waiting. the day is finally here, introducing…Realistic Childbirth in the Sims4.🎇🎇

*Im writing the post while pulling a all nighter so please forgive me if Im sounding like a second grader 🥺

PLEASE at least read the Short Instructions before playing, there are a few things you must do to make sure your birth goes as planned.

Get to work is required for this mod!

This mod adds realistic childbirth options such as natural delivery and planned C-section. During natural delivery, your sim will arrive at the hospital and their water will break, they will then go into early labor and they can stay at the hospital for up to two days. they will get a total of 3 moodlets during their stay. You will have the choice to get epidural if you wish to, the epidural will have an effect on what type of moodlet your sim can get. You can do activities such as taking a walk or bouncing on a birthing ball to induce labor. C-Section is a much more straight forward birthing method, your sim will skip the early labor stage and give birth as soon as their epidural take effect. 

Short Instructions

there are Seven steps you must take

1, Once your sim is the second trimester they will have the option to “Call Obstetrician” on their phone and make birth arrangement. You have to do this every time you are pregnant



2. if you want someone to  accompany you during childbirth, you must ask them first.


only sims with 70+ friendship or 30+ romance will accept your request. and if you change your mind you must “Ask to not accompany childbirth”  before you can ask someone else. you can also do this after you bring them to the hospital, they will not be able to support you during birth if you dont ask. 

3. Once in labor, select “Have Baby At Hospital” and make sure to choose the companion sim to come with you.


4. the pregnant sim will automatically be given two days off from work, to make sure the companion sim doesnt leave for work during childbirth, select them and choose “Take family Leave” you will get a notification saying they have the next two days off


5. If you are getting a C-Section you must choose one of the obstetrician and “ask for epidural“, and the epidural must successfully kick in before they can perform the surgery


6.the companion sim will come provide support once the procedure starts as long as they have been asked and are on the lot and are not sleeping


7. Birth is considered complete once your baby is born. you have to manually click go home to leave the hospital. 


More information on this mod: 

a yoga ball can be used to induce labor, this item can be bought in build and buy by searching yoga ball



you can go for a walk to induce labor by clicking on your sim 


the epidural only works 60% of the time, if it fails simply ask an obstetrician to “replace epidural” 1f19d16a8ad825a58095ef4e9faf61a0

your sim will gain some weight after giving birth 


when giving birth at the hospital with the surgery machine, some of you might have noticed that sometimes the baby wont spawn in the bassinet . and because my childbirth mod is based on the EA give birth interaction, it will suffers from the same issue. However that does not mean your baby will be invisible, it will instead result in your baby having the wrong color during child birth, I will be working on a fail safe very soon so that when the issue occurs, the baby will take the skin tone of the pregnant sim.

Useful Cheats:

  • the censor blur during animations can be removed either through WW or this mod right here https://modthesims.info/d/533172/no-mosaic-censor-mod-for-the-sims-4-toddler-compatibility-update.html , i previously thought this could be done through cheats but i was mistaken
  • shift-clicking on the surgery machine allows you to bring up a few different cheats. you can use these options here to change the state of the surgery machine if you ever need to. The Fully Dilate option allows your sim to get ready for labor right away.


what’s next:

in the next major update I plan on adding animation support for twins and triplets so that the animation will change depending on how many babies are born. I also plan on adding more moodlet variations to make each hospital visit feel more unique. Finally I’m looking into making  custom venues which allows you to give birth at a birthing center with more privacy and more suited for child birth

what’s next next:

Home birth and Water birth!

Compatibility: This mod should NOT conflict and break when used with existing pregnancy mod such as woohoo wellness or Healthcare  Redux. I have reached out to Lumpinou and adeepindigo they both have been very helpful and have agreed to add compatibilities to support my mod. if you find any contradictions in terms of game play between our mods please feel free to reach out to me! 

Known Issue: asking an obstetrician who’s holding a book to check dilation or inject epidural sometimes result in a LE. From what I understand this is because the sim doesnt know where to put the book down. will be fixed asap

sometimes the sims arms during natural birth gets stuck behind their back, if this happens reset object to force the animation to restart and it should fix the issue.

A special thanks to a bunch of amazing modders who helped me along the way:

Mizore Yukii, adeepindigo Lumpinou, Lot51, LeRoiDeTout, ChippedSim, thePancake1


go here to downloaded the latest version: https://www.patreon.com/posts/child-birth-mod-72894859



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