• October 15, 2023

Modding Diary – animation revision + gender reveal cake


Hi Guys! I hope you all are doing well!

This week I revisited the couples balloon popping animation and added another 200 frames (around 7 seconds) of animation:😊

after the sims pop the balloon and going in for a hug

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they would reach for each others hands

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and they both turn to look at the other sims who are watching the gender reveal

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the pregnant sim leans over and place their head on their partners shoulder🥺

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and then they go back to their original position. I feel like this bit animation adds a little more intimacy to the interaction, and hopefully it is an addition that you like. 🥺

This week I also finished making the gender reveal cake, it took me longer than I’d like, but I throughout enjoyed the process. 😚I’ve always wanted to improve my modeling and texturing skills and this week I decided to really spend some time and get this cake as polished as possible (while staying relatively low poly, which is always a challenge 🙃). This is the second iteration of the gender reveal cake I made, Im not even gonna show you what the first version looked like, it was…pretty ugly to say the least.🫥

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here are some more closeups

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and here is what the cake will look like once its cut open

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Next week I will start working on the cake cutting animation.

Now I know some of you have been experiencing issues with the “read to baby” interaction from the child birth mod. I am aware of the issue and I’m looking into fixing it, I have not been able to figure out the cause as it only seem to happen to some people and not others, and I have not been able to figure out why. But just know that it is being looked after and hopefully I will find a fix soon.💗I appreciate all your patience in the meantime.

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend!

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Celina Jones

Literally sooo cute 🥰

Haley Zoque

Every gender reveal cake that I’ve found never has an option for boy and girl twins. It would be awesome if you could add a purple option that means both genders or something that way we don’t need two separate cakes. Either way though this cake looks beautiful, and I appreciate all the hard work you do.

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