Modding Diary – Gender Reveal Party Guessing Game
Hi Guys! I hope you all are well. This week I created a guessing game for the gender reveal party that guests can participate in. […]
Hi guys!
I know many of you were missing the “had a baby” milestone when using the childbirth mod to give birth after the infant patch came out. I have already patched it up in v1.3671(public) and 1.377(patreon), so you shouldn’t this issue any more if you have the latest update.
For those of you who are having missing milestones, Lumpinou came out with a milestone cheats mod that allows you to add or remove any milestones, and it can also be used to add back the missing “had a baby” milestone. You can grab the mod here on her patreon page:
I did a quick test and this is what worked for me, to add back the missing milestone, simply click on your sim and go to:
Actions.. > Manage Milestones.. >Add Milestones… (if your sim hasn’t aged up since she had the baby)>Had a Baby(Lifemilestone_HadSim)
and that should add the missing milestone to your sim. If you have any questions, please go to lumpniou as this is her mod and Im not associated with it in any way. I just wanted to share it with you because it is an incredible mod and I think it will benefit many players
No worries, we are here to help you
Hi Guys! I hope you all are well. This week I created a guessing game for the gender reveal party that guests can participate in. […]
Hi guys! I made some small progress on the gender reveal party this week. I started the week by turning the cake cutting interaction into […]
Hi guys! I hope you all are well! About my break: its been a while since my last modding diary, I had a fantastic break😚Me […]
Hi guys! I hope you all are well! 😊 This week I finished the rest of the cake cutting animation, added facial expression as […]
Cookie | Duration | Description |
ct_checkjs | never | Clean Talk sets this cookie to prevent spam on the site's comments or forms. |
ct_fkp_timestamp | never | Clean Talk sets this cookie to prevent spam on the site's comments or forms. |
ct_ps_timestamp | never | Clean Talk sets this cookie to prevent spam on the site's comments or forms. |
G_ENABLED_IDPS | 1 year 1 month 4 days | Google uses this cookie for Google Single Sign-On. |
mailchimp_landing_site | 1 month | MailChimp sets the cookie to record which page the user first visited. |
pid | 1 year 1 month | Twitter sets this cookie to enable the use of Twitter related features from the webpages users visit. |
PugT | 1 month | PubMatic sets this cookie to check when the cookies were updated on the browser in order to limit the number of calls to the server-side cookie store. |
SPugT | 1 month | PubMatic sets this cookie to track when the server-side cookie store was last updated for the browser. |
ss | 1 year | This cookie is set by the provider Eventbrite. This cookie is used for the functionality of website chat-box function. |
tads_uid | 1 year 1 month 4 days | The domain of this cookie is owned by Technorati.This cookie helps the user to share pages through social networking sites. The main purpose of this cookie is advertising. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
AWSALB | 7 days | AWSALB is an application load balancer cookie set by Amazon Web Services to map the session to the target. |
d | 3 months | Quantserve sets this cookie to anonymously track information on how visitors use the website. |
dc | 1 year | Cookie used to enable A/B testing within the website. |
ezds | 1 year 1 month 4 days | Ezoic sets this cookie to store the pixel size of the user's browser to personalise the user experience and ensure content fits. |
ezoab_1034 | 2 hours | Ezoic uses this cookie to split test different features and functionality. |
ezohw | 1 year 1 month 4 days | Ezoic sets this cookie to store the pixel size of the user's browser to personalise the user experience and ensure content fits. |
INGRESSCOOKIE | session | This cookie is used for load balancing and session stickiness. This technical session identifier is required for some website features. |
obuid | 3 months | Owned by Outbrain, this cookie holds anonymous user ID's and is used to understand what links and buttons are clicked on. |
TestIfCookie | past | Smart AdServer sets this cookie to test if session cookies are accepted. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
AFFICHE_W | 1 year 27 days | Weborama sets this cookie to determine the visitor’s interests based on pages visited, content clicked, and other actions on the website. |
ANON_ID | 3 months | This cookie, set by Tribal Fusion, collects data on user visits to the website, such as what pages have been accessed . |
auid | 1 year | This cookie register a unique ID which identifies the user browser from visiting the webistes. This cookie collects the statistical data of the visitor for serving targeted ads. |
browser_id | 7 days | This cookie is used for identifying the visitor browser on re-visit to the website. |
chkChromeAb67Sec | 3 months | PubMatic sets this cookie on Google Chrome browsers that have a version above 67; it is used for testing purposes. |
CONSENT | 2 years | YouTube sets this cookie via embedded YouTube videos and registers anonymous statistical data. |
ct_screen_info | never | CleanTalk sets this cookie to complete an anti-spam solution and firewall for the website, preventing spam from appearing in comments and forms. |
demdex | 5 months 27 days | The demdex cookie, set under the domain, is used by Adobe Audience Manager to help identify a unique visitor across domains. |
eud | 1 year 24 days | This cookie is owned by Rocketfuel and collects anonymous user data to target audiences and deliver personalized ads. |
ezepvv | 1 day | This cookie is set by the provider Ezoic to track what pages the user has viewed. |
ezoadgid_1034 | 30 minutes | Ezoic uses this cookie to record an id for the user's age and gender category. |
ezoref_1034 | 2 hours | Ezoic uses this cookie to store the referring domain, i.e the website the user was on, before he came to the current website. |
ezouspva | session | The ezouspva cookie is set by the provider Ezoic and is used to track the number of pages a user has visited all time. |
ezouspvv | session | The ezouspvv cookie is set by the provider Ezoic and is used to track the number of pages a user has visited all time. |
pbw | 1 year | This cookie is set by Smart AdServer to collect cached data by browser ID, operating system ID and screen size. |
SEUNCY | 1 year | This cookie is used for registering a unique ID to identify the visitor's device on their revisit to the website. |
suid | 1 year | Simpli. fi sets this cookie to store a distinct session ID. |
uid | 5 months 27 days | This is a Google UserID cookie that tracks users across various website segments. |
zc | 1 year | Registers data on visitors from multiple visits and on multiple websites, to measure the efficiency of ads on websites. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
__kuid | 7 days | This cookie is used to collect information of the visitors, this informations is then stored as a ID string. The ID information strings is used to target groups having similar preferences, or for targeted ads. |
_nauid | 1 year 1 month 4 days | sets this cookie to analyse how users interact with the website and to show user ads across the internet so that they can provide more relevant content to users. |
_rxuuid | 1 year | Unruly Media sets this cookie to store information on how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website. |
A3 | 1 year | Yahoo set this cookie for targeted advertising. |
ad-id | 8 months 19 days | Amazon Adsystem sets this cookie as part of its affiliate marketing programme. |
ad-privacy | 1 year 1 month 4 days | Amazon Adsystem sets this cookie as part of its affiliate marketing programme. |
am-uid | 3 months | This cookie is used to identify the visitor and optimize ad-relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple websites. |
ANON_ID_old | 3 months | This cookie helps to categorise the users interest and to create profiles in terms of resales of targeted marketing. This cookie is used to collect user information such as what pages have been viewed on the website for creating profiles. |
arcki2 | 15 days | AudienceRate sets this cookie to gather information on user engagement and behaviour in order to improve website performance and increase the relevance of online advertisements. |
bito | 1 year 1 month | Beeswax sets this cookie as a unique ID for the visitor, which allows third-party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisements. This pairing service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. |
bitoIsSecure | 1 year 1 month | Beeswax sets this cookie to display the user relevant content and advertisements. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. |
bkpa | 6 months 1 day | Set by Bluekai, this cookie stores anonymized data about the users' web usage in an aggregate form to build a profile for targeted advertising. |
bku | 6 months 1 day | Bluekai sets this cookie to register anonymized user data, such as IP address, geographical location, visited websites, and what ads the user has clicked, with the purpose of optimising ad display based on the user's movement on websites that use the same ad network. |
callback | 5 minutes | ID5 sets this cookie to collect data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites in order to present more relevant advertisements. This also allows the website to limit the number of times that the visitor is shown the same advertisement. |
car | 5 minutes | Used to present the visitor with relevant content advertisement. |
cf | 5 minutes | Used to present the visitor with relevant content advertisement. |
cid_* | 1 year | Crimtan sets this cookie as remarketing cookie that is used to send relevant ads to users on subsequent sites. |
cip | 5 minutes | Presents the user with relevant content and advertisements, and facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers. |
CMID | 1 year | Casale Media sets this cookie to collect information on user behaviour for targeted advertising. |
CMPRO | 3 months | CasaleMedia sets CMPRO cookie for anonymous usage tracking and targeted advertising. |
CMPS | 3 months | CasaleMedia sets CMPS cookie for anonymous user tracking based on users' website visits to display targeted ads. |
cnac | 5 minutes | Used to present the visitor with relevant content advertisement. |
csync | 1 year | Smart AdServer sets this cookie to optimize ad display based on the user's movement combined and various advertiser bids for displaying user ads. |
dpm | 5 months 27 days | The dpm cookie, set under the Demdex domain, assigns a unique ID to each visiting user, hence allowing third-party advertisers to target these users with relevant ads. |
EQUser | 3 months | EQ sets this cookie for registering a unique ID, which is used to target user ads. |
everest_g_v2 | 1 year | The cookie is set under the domain to map clicks to other events on the client's website. |
HAPLB8S | session | Sonobi sets this cookie for advertising purposes. |
i | 1 year | This cookie is set by OpenX to record anonymized user data, such as IP address, geographical location, websites visited, ads clicked by the user etc., for relevant advertising. |
IDE | 1 year 24 days | Google DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile. |
KADUSERCOOKIE | 1 year | The cookie, set by PubMatic, registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used for targeted ads. |
KCCH | 1 day | PubMatic sets this cookie to ensure that a PubMatic user ID is already set and that PubMatic’s code is running properly. |
KRTBCOOKIE_* | 3 months | Pubmatic sets this cookie to register a unique ID that identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the same ad network. |
KTPCACOOKIE | 3 months | The cookie, set by PubMatic, registers a unique ID that identifies a returning user's device across websites that use the same ad network. The ID is used for targeted ads. |
ljt_reader | 1 year | Lijit Reader sets this cookie to collect data related to reader interests, context, demographics and other information on behalf of the Lijit platform with the purpose of finding interested users on websites with related content. |
mc | 1 year 1 month | Quantserve sets the mc cookie to track user behaviour on the website anonymously. |
mxpim | 1 year 1 month 4 days | This cookie is set by This cookie is used for advertising and marketing purpose. |
NID | 6 months | Google sets the cookie for advertising purposes; to limit the number of times the user sees an ad, to unwanted mute ads, and to measure the effectiveness of ads. |
pi | 1 day | The pi cookie is used by Bombora for audience targeting and advertising. |
rud | 1 year 24 days | The rud cookie is owned by Rocketfuel and registers user data, such as IP address, location, etc. for the purpose of optimising ad display. |
ruds | session | This cookie is owned by Rocketfuel and collects anonymous user data to target audiences and deliver personalized ads. |
sa-user-id | 1 year | StackAdapt sets this cookie as a third party advertising cookie to record information about a user's website activity, such as the pages visited and the locations viewed, to enable us to provide users with interest-based content and personalised advertisements on external websites. |
sa-user-id-v2 | 1 year | StackAdapt sets this cookie as a third party advertising cookie to record information about a user's website activity, such as the pages visited and the locations viewed, to enable us to provide users with interest-based content and personalised advertisements on external websites. |
sp | 3 months | This cookie is set by the host This cookie is used to serve the content based on user interest and improve content creation. |
suid_legacy | 1 year | Collects information on user preferences and interaction with web-campaign content which is used on CRM-campaign-platforms used by website owners for promoting events or products. |
SyncRTB3 | 3 months | PubMatic sets this cookie to assert a list of partner's pixel IDs; it can be used to read and place cookies on a web browser. |
TapAd_DID | 2 months | TapAd sets this cookie to offer personalized content, social media features, and traffic analysis for its retargeting of online advertising. |
TapAd_TS | 2 months | TapAd sets this cookie to track users across devices to enable targeted advertising. |
test_cookie | 15 minutes | sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports cookies. |
TestIfCookieP | 1 year | SmartAdServer sets this cookie as a remote ad-serving system. Sites and advertisers are using the system to manage the delivery of their online advertising campaigns. They can collect anonymous statistical data on their visitors to follow the delivery of their campaign and increase their performance. |
tuuid | 1 year | The tuuid cookie, set by BidSwitch, stores an unique ID to determine what adverts the users have seen if they have visited any of the advertiser's websites. The information is used to decide when and how often users will see a certain banner. |
Cookie | Duration | Description |
_aGeoIp | 1 day | Description is currently not available. |
_aUID | 1 year 1 month 4 days | Description is currently not available. |
_knxq_ | 1 year 1 month 4 days | No description available. |
_ljtrtb_273657 | 1 year | Description is currently not available. |
_pbjs_userid_consent_data | 1 month | No description available. |
active_template::432691 | 2 days | Description is currently not available. |
arcki2_adform | 15 days | Description is currently not available. |
arcki2_ddp2 | 15 days | Description is currently not available. |
arcki2_pubmatic | 15 days | Description is currently not available. |
arcki2_smart | 15 days | Description is currently not available. |
aum | 1 year | No description available. |
av-mid | 1 year 1 month 4 days | No description available. |
av-tp-bsw | 2 days | Description is currently not available. |
b | 1 year | Description is currently not available. |
bsw_origin_init | past | Description is currently not available. |
C | 1 month | Description is currently not available. |
cd | session | Description is currently not available. |
cnx_userId | 1 month | Description is currently not available. |
cu | 1 year | No description available. |
custom_data | past | Description is currently not available. |
data-pbs | 1 year | Description is currently not available. |
de_tp_cookie | session | Description is currently not available. |
DPSync3 | 3 months | No description available. |
ezoab_432691 | 2 hours | Description is currently not available. |
ezoadgid_432691 | 30 minutes | Description is currently not available. |
ezopvc_432691 | 30 minutes | Description is currently not available. |
ezoref_432691 | 2 hours | Description is currently not available. |
ezosuibasgeneris-1 | 1 year | Description is currently not available. |
ezovid_432691 | 30 minutes | Description is currently not available. |
ezovuuid_432691 | 30 minutes | Description is currently not available. |
ezovuuidtime_432691 | 2 days | Description is currently not available. |
lp_432691 | 30 minutes | Description is currently not available. |
m | 1 year 1 month 4 days | No description available. |
matchbluekai | 1 month | Description is currently not available. |
matchcasale | 1 month | No description available. |
matchgoogle | 1 month | No description available. |
matchrubicon | 1 month | Description is currently not available. |
partners | 1 year 1 month | No description available. |
pid_309 | 7 days | No description available. |
pid_310 | 7 days | No description available. |
pid_312 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_316 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_317 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_321 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_324 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_333 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_346 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_353 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
pid_362 | 7 days | Description is currently not available. |
PMFREQ_ON | 1 day | Description is currently not available. |