• March 22, 2022

How to Install Script Mod Tutorial (With Pcitures)


Hi guys! this is a tutorial teaching you how to install script mods.

some of you are having trouble seeing the “call Obstetrician” option on your phone when using the Child birth mod. If that happens 99% it is because the script mod was not installed correctly, and you need to follow this tutorial to correct your installation

Step 1:  download the mod file and unzip it, This is the only file you can unzip, if you unzip the .ts4script file you will be on the naughty list forever


you should get two files like this once unzipped. the name might be different depending on the version, but as long as you get two files, you are good


Step 2: put both files the folder names Mods in your sims4 folder 


Step 3: make sure the files are in the right format, the icon on your computer might look different and that’s ok, what’s important is one file ends in .package and the other ends in .ts4script 


it CANNOT look like this





Step 5:  Go into your game and enable script mod if you havent done so, you will need to restart your game if this is your first time enabling script 


once you do that you should be able to see the call obstetrician option on your phone as long as your sim is pregnant and in at least their first trimester 

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