• August 15, 2022

How to fix – “Im not seeing any of the new interactions”


This is a tutorial for those who are not seeing seeing the new interactions after updating their child birth mod 

the #1 cause of this issue is having more than one version of the child birth mod in your mods folder

what does it look like to have more than one version:




👆This is bad👎, don’t do this 

I don’t have any old versions in my mods folder and Im still not seeing the new interactions

if this is the case here are two things you can do before reaching out to me

1. Double check by sorting all the files in your mods folder by name

to do so you right click in your mods folder and select “Sort by“-“Name


All the files in your mods folder are now sorted by name, scroll down until you see “Pandasama_……

if you see something similar to this, delete everything that is related to Pandasama_ChildBirth and re-download the newest version 


2. Double check by doing a file search in your mods folder 

if your mods folder is unorganized, do a file search instead. Open your mods folder and go to the search bar on the top right corner 


type in Pandasama_Childbirth, and press the “Enter” key on your keyboard to start searching


if your search result is showing more than one version in your mods folder:


right click on each of the files named Pandasama_ChildBirth and delete them all then re-download the newest version.

“How do I find the newest version?”

you can either look at the pinned tweet on my twitter: https://twitter.com/PandaSamaSims4 


or, go to the front page of my patreon and click on the “Donwload” collection and the newest version should be the first post you see 


If you are still not seeing the new interactions even after doing all these steps, please join my discord https://discord.gg/Sk5j2yBJwX and reach out to me there

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