• March 25, 2023

Childbirth Mod – Lactation Update(outdated post)



DELETE THE OLD VERSION, do not rely on REPLACING because the file names are different, the old package file will not be replaced

💙💚💛💜🧡💖Download Link: https://www.pandasama.com/child-birth-mod/ 💙💚💛💜🧡💖

04-13-2023 Update

  • Randomized Alien and Vampire sims will no longer have c-section scars in CAS
  • Made an attempt to fix the issue that causes midwife to keep returning after being dismissed
  • Made an attempt to fix the name changing bug for babies

Translators: the new strings in v1.379 are for the next update

Chinese translations by MeowCats can be downloaded here

Chinese translations by PrinceWugua can be downloaded here

Brazilian translations by Vólusims can be downloaded here

Brazilian Portuguese translations by Suuhrprise can be downloaded here

German translations by simsplayer2011 can be downloaded here 

German translation by Tox_pack can be downloaded here

French Translation by Kimiko Soma can be downloaded here, Video review here

Italian translation by Isy can be downloaded here 

Polish translation by Livi can be downloaded here


Sims will automatically start to lactate after giving birth using a birth method from the child birth mod. you will get this moodlet letting you know they have enough milk for pumping.

*Sims can have high, normal or low milk supply. Milk supply affect the speed of their milk production, as well as how likely they are to develop mastitis when they stop nursing. Sims who have given birth in the past using the child birth mod are more likely to have a high supply.


Step 2

you can click on the pump and pump both breasts, this item can be found by searching for “pump” or “pandasama” in build and buy



Step 4

after ea successful pumping session you will get a bottle of breast milk, which can be fed to your kids immediately or put in the fridge for storage,

Sims who are not nursing can also use the pump, if they use it enough times they will start lactating eventually,





For toddlers to drink the milk, you must place the milk on a surface or on the floor and use the toddler to click on it and select “Drink”


Step 5

You can eat lactation cookies to speed up milk production. Non nursing sims can also lactate if they enough lactation cookies, this item can be found by searching for “cookies” or “pandasama” in build and buy


Step 6

You can also make baby formula for your sims, this item can be found by searching for “formula” or “pandasama” in build and buy


Step 7

Both breast milk and formula milk can be stored in the fridge, you can click on the fridge and select “Get Milk” when you want to take it out



your sim will warm up the bottle at the sink, if there’s no sinks available they will put it down instead


Step 8

Going too long without pumping can sometimes cause leakage and leave a stain on your sim’s clothes, you can remove the stain by changing your sims outfit or taking a shower/bath


Step 9

If you continue to not pump your sim will get this moodlet letting you know their breast is extremely full


Step 10

your sim might get this moodlet letting you know they are developing breast engorgement and mastitis, again this is more likely to happen to sims with a high milk supply



Step 11

You can take Tylenol to help the mastitis to go away, your sim will stop lactating soon after. This item can be found by searching for “Tylenol” or “pandasama” in build and buy. Lactation will stop eventually if you continue to not pump or breastfeed.



you can disable lactation entirely in childbirth settings

The lactation system currently has nothing to do with the EA lactation settings in CAS, so marking them as can or cannot produce milk in CAS will have no effect to their lactation in the child birth mod.

doing the EA beast feeding interaction will empty your sims milk supply, my mod does not block out the EA breast feed or bottle feed interaction in case you still want to use those interactions

Please let me know if you have any questions!

04-01-2023 Update:

  • Sims can now place the pump in their inventory
  • Fixed an issue that caused the birth emergency trigger to disappear from childbirth settings


💙💚💛💜🧡💖Download Link: https://www.pandasama.com/child-birth-mod/ 💙💚💛💜🧡💖

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